

Welcome to our sridevi Jodi Chart, your go to destination for the latest updates on sridevi Matka Jodi results and charts. Dive into the historical data, track trends, and elevate your Matka predictions with us.

Understanding the sridevi Jodi Chart

The sridevi Jodi Chart serves as a comprehensive repository of recent sridevi Matka Jodi results. In the dynamic realm of Matka, a 'Jodi' signifies a duo of numbers chosen by players. Our chart empowers you with insights into these combinations, aiding in the analysis of trends and patterns.

Sridevi Jodi Chart
** 43 60 55 79 81 59
45 77 11 59 21 29 72
21 54 45 89 85 55 80
38 69 72 42 09 49 47
75 32 74 98 84 06 83
74 81 66 66 70 02 63
09 82 69 88 66 19 49
78 16 03 95 40 29 65
18 96 21 41 28 23 53
55 26 29 08 38 23 96
48 08 50 52 81 08 76
11 04 81 22 37 98 26
15 88 26 86 26 58 54
04 57 57 64 96 93 96
70 89 81 29 54 26 17
65 97 98 81 97 87 35
93 18 63 56 30 34 **
59 29 23 29 87 49 80
97 96 16 61 12 61 **